4 Benefits Of Having An Advertising Database

An advertising database is often a costly investment, however, there is a lot of software and websites that are now offering the service at a much more reasonable price, especially as information becomes more freely available. So what are the benefits of having an advertising database at your disposal? How will paying a retaining fee for this service improve your business, whether you are a creative advertisement agency, or a brand that spends a significant sum on advertising.

Here are a couple of reasons why you need an ad database at your disposal:

  1. An advertising database allows you to perform your own competitor analysis and trend development analysis. It is important to take note of new and developing trends in the advertising business because, not only does it highlight the type of ads used by your competitors, but it also illustrates those features of which viewers find appealing at a certain point in time.
  2. An advertising database usually allows for industry-specific searches. This is very helpful to agencies or brands that need to find out the quality of industry-specific ads, as well as an approximation of how much money competative brands spend on advertising within the idustry. This will assist your brand in creating an effective budgetary plan when designing an advertising campaign.
  3. If you’re planning on finding out the ‘dirt’ on your top industry competitors, many an advertising database allows you to view a particular brands advertising campaign. A few databases will actually save and notify you of any activity within a certain industry or belonging to a particular brand. This will keep you up to date with regards to any new information; and we all know that information is power in the advertising industry.
  4. Having the ability to analyse industry ad techniques through an advertising database also offers businesses impressive insight into lead generation. One may be able to assess the targeting of a competitors ad campaign, highlighting brand new markets and new opportunities. Often ads will showcase a competitors new product within an industry that you share, letting you know just what new technology, items or services that they are now selling.

Advertising databases are very powerful tools, and neither the advertising agency nor a large brand should forgo the opportunity of signing up with a renowned advertising database. Thankfully AdCheck is able to assist you by providing South African businesses with a portal to the incredibly popular and powerful Global Ad Source software.

To find out more information regarding Global Ad Source, just click the link.

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