Advertising as Storytelling

The modern consumer is exposed to advertisements and brand marketing on a daily basis. To only protract the exposure to brands, other consumers are uploading, viewing and promoting user-generated marketing content constantly. So, how does the viewer discriminate unwanted marketing content from that which he/she may value? One method that agencies swear by is on-screen storytelling; an engrossing narrative that utilises emotion and relatable experiences to keep the viewer engaged.

Tickling Your Emotions
The reason why storytelling advertising techniques work is because the viewer is invested emotionally in the advertisement. An emotional connection is most often a personnel connection, allowing the viewer to associate themselves with the brand apart from the product or service that they provide. Once an emotional investment has developed, the consumer will most likely pick up the brand product in store, or contact the brand with regards to a service deliverable.

Consider the latest advertisement by Rand Merchant Bank. RMB’s “Thinking. Pulling. Together” advertisement campaign is a story-driven ad that compares investment banking to that of rowing. Rowing, a sport that requires incredible perseverance, energy and wits, is similar to investment banking for these reasons. The viewers, connecting with the on-screen rowers’ heroics and determination, find themselves nurturing an emotional investment to the advertisement. This, in time, will develop into an association with Rand Merchant Bank.

Anyone Can Involve Everyone
Is your brand involved in the wrong industry to be able to develop story-driven advertising? According to researchers within the advertising industry, there is no business that is unable to use story-driven tools during the creative development of an advertising campaign. All it requires is an extra bit of creativity. Anglo-American released an advertising campaign that focussed on the personal identity of its staff across the globe as a way of developing an emotional connection with viewers, and the campaign was a resounding success for the business. With that in mind, maybe your business can also create a campaign that offers an emotionally charged experience for viewers?
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